Quiet stability of hand-to-bit contact is the key goal of all riders. The challenges of holding a rein can create tension. When the hand is tense, this tension moves from the hand all the way up to the shoulder. Losing a rein in a key moment is something we all wish to avoid. ThinLinereins are wrapped inno-slip ThinLine foam. They are similar to a rubbergrip style reinbut better. They will allow riders to have a soft, comfortable yet secure grip which translates to an elastic, sure connection to our horse.
While initially developed for riders with arthritis, riders of all levels love the improved elasticity and connection with their horses when riding with ThinLine English reins.
The ThinLine non-slip English rein is durable and guaranteed to improve communication and confidence with your horse.
Latex free.
ThinLine English Rein Options:
Length:48″ (black w/ stops), 54″, and 60″
Colors:Black and Brown
Bit attachment:Hook stud, Buckle end
Hand Stops:with or without
All reins come withmartingale stops.If you do not need this, you may remove it.
The option titled “reins with stops” means there are bands of leather sewn onto the handheld portion of the reins. Often called hand stops.
Rein Care Instructions
Keeping the Non-Slip going strong:
- Wiping down the rein with a baby wipe prior to riding can keep light arena dust from settling and improve the non-slipfunction.
- Temperature can alter the feel of the reins. The warmer they are, the softer they will be and the more non-slip. Your hand generally provides enough warmth to get the rein to the optimal performance temperature.
- Steer clear of chemicals! Show Sheen and some fly sprays will eventually cause mild stiffening of the edges of the foam. If you are using chemicals please rinse your hands before riding and you will greatly improve the longevity of your reins.
Please avoid leather care products; they contain oil which is damaging to the ThinLine foam material.While the foam looks and feels like leather, it is a special, nonslip, pressure distributing foam. For conditioning the leather, we recommend using a paste-like conditioner (like Horseman’s One Step) so that you can control the application, avoiding contact with the ThinLine foam.
Please be aware that leather care products and chemicals such as Show Sheen and fly spray can cause the foam to harden.