Leather is a living material and it should be properly cared for.
Most riders maintain well their saddle, the life expectancy of the footwear will also be extended thanks to regular maintenance.
The Freejump Leather Care Kit is ideal for maintaining and shining your shoes, chaps and boots. It includes: 100ml of Freewax, 50ml of black shoeshine cream, a cotton polishing cloth, a polishing brush, and an applicator brush.
Proper care of shoes, chaps and boots can be achieved with the following steps:
1 / The acidity of sweat and the riding ring’s ground can be very corrosive to leather.
Clean your footwear daily with a sponge or a piece of cloth with clear water.
2 / Dust off with a soft bristles brush to remove the rest of the dirt. Leather should always be cleaned as gently and best as possible before applying any product.
3 / Apply the Freewax using a piece of cloth. Freewax is used in small doses to nourish and waterproof the leather. In addition, it smells pretty good!
4 / Next step is to apply the shoeshine cream in small circular movements using the cotton polishing cloth. The shoeshine cream is a fatty substance that contains black polish and beeswax. The black polish will not stain the leather but will help maintain its color over time. Beeswax helps maintain leather.
5/ A final step is to use the polishing brush to make the footwear shine.
Wax your footwear once or twice a week depending on their use. It is not advisable to use shoe polish too often.